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Top 10 types of insulation

Home Insulation Tips for Better Energy Conservation - Greener Ideal

What is insulation.

It is a process of encapsulating buildings that protects them from any external influences 

that may affect their building and expose it to cracking, cracking or collapse.

:Isolation is divided into

 1.1Thermal insulation.
2Waterproof and moisture insulation.
3Sound insulation.
 4Radiation isolation.
 5Structural insulation such as isolating ceilings, walls and foundations

.1Types of thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation is available in more than one material and type, and each type has its effectiveness and advantages.


Polyurethane: Polyurethane is embodied in the form of panels

and the form of granules or sprayed polyurethane, and there

are two types of liquid or flexible ones that cover the surface

  completely, and completely isolate the heat


Polystyrene material: It is also considered as one of the materials that have high performance, embodied in two forms, elongated shape and extruded shape, and the elongated shape is the most common.

3.     Rock wool: It forms in the form of solid sheets and is used for heat insulation and sound insulation as well

.4Glass wool: it is used in the form of flexible panels or rigid panels.   

2.2Types of roof waterproofing.

Surface waterproofing is an indispensable thing, as it protects against cracks and cracks that occur to surfaces, and surface corruption is easily transmitted to walls and causes moisture to seep into them, and there is more than one insulation material used :in the work of waterproofing surfaces, including

1.Polyurethane or foam insulation.

2.Bitumen material.

3.Glass fleeces.

4.Rock fleeces.

5.Metal panels.

3.3Types of moisture insulation

Humidity is an annoying and harmful event that occurs to buildings that are heavily exposed to water leaks and are not protected by strong waterproofing, so many residents resort to waterproofing their homes and protect them from moisture.

 Therefore, it must be disposed of and there is more than one type to isolate moisture, and these types are divided into:

Solid materials for moisture insulation:

1.Cement whiteness.

2.Weighted brick.

3.Asbestos cement board.

4.Plastic layer.

5.Small wooden planks.

6.Asbestos cement panels.

Semi-Flexible Insulation Materials:


2.Moisture tight coil

3.Asphalt coil with a layer of metal

4.Small asphalt chips

Flexible insulation materials embodied in the form of:

1.Metal clapboard

2.Mad Biomet

3.Water insulating liquid

4.Polyethylene tarpaulin.

4.4Types of waterproofing.

There are many types of waterproofing and insulation is done with them in all parts of the house to protect it from any water leaks or moisture leakage into it, and it maintains its strong .structure


Metal plate: There are many types of metal panels that are used to isolate rain, water leaks and moisture, there are lead plates, stainless steel plates, copper plates, iron plates, and aluminum plates.


Polyurethane: It is considered the best material that completes waterproofing by a large percentage, and prevents rain or moisture from entering the buildings, and it is one of the flexible insulation materials, which reach all parts and cover .them with ease


Bitumen: a material used in its solid and liquid form, and it is considered one of the distinct materials with which we can cover all parts in its liquid state and protect .buildings from any water influences


Wooden pallet: Of course, wood insulation cannot resist fires, but it is also used in high-cold .areas and is also used diagonally to catch rain from it


Brick: a great material for tilted homes in any of the cold regions, it works to isolate the cold and makes the rain not settle on the roofs and is in the form of clay or .clay


Asphalt slab: This slab is embodied in three forms, some of which are steel, some of which are the form of rolls and some of them are panels, and despite its many forms, all .shapes work with high efficiency in water insulation

.5.5Types of isolation in hospitals

Hospital care, of course, is of the utmost importance, in order to preserve the health of the patients inside, to provide an appropriate temperature, and not to leak any water or excessive heat to them.

Therefore, a strong insulation is made for foundations, ceilings and walls, and the air conditioners are isolated and the appropriate temperature is prepared that suits the patients and protects them from exposure to any heat collision.

6.6Types of foundation insulation.

Of course, the foundations are the most important thing in the building of the house, as if the foundation is strong, then this means that the whole house will be strong and durable, and it is necessary to make a strong insulation for the foundations in order to protect the house and its basic structure from any phenomena that may harm it and all kinds of Isolate foundations.


Felt Roll: Felt material is a strong insulation material, consisting of petroleum residues and glass fibers that have a strong and effective effect in isolating heat, isolating foundations from moisture leakage into them, and also isolating fumes, and is used in isolating all corners of the building and performs its task with outstanding effectiveness.


Foam foam or polyurethane insulation: easy and flexible insulation that is commonly used in many countries because it is easy to reach all places, has a strong effect and insulates heat and water in a strong and effective way.

Foundations shall be insulated by painting or coating them with an insulating material, to prevent them from being affected by any water leakage.

7.7Isolate the foundations with bitumen.

Bitumen is a very effective insulation material, and it is used to isolate all places and corners inside the house, and it is used to isolate foundations in its liquid form, which are black petroleum waste.

The foundations are covered with bitumen, and it covers well all corners and seals all pores or gaps, and the bitumen material also works to isolate heat and protects the bitumen from any cracks or impact of the foundations of the house from any water leaks that are exposed to it through a clogging of the drain or a problem in the connectors and water pipes.

8.8Isolate the armed robe.

The armed robe is isolated in precise and neat steps, which we will explain in the following:

Paint the basic bases with two layers of bitumen and leave it for forty-eight hours, then put the backfill a layer of 30 cm thick and sprinkle it with water and compact it well.

After that, we pour the concrete and then put the scale or contour of the reinforced cloth, and then we .paint it with oxidized bitumen in two layers as well.

After that, the concrete is poured as usual and established with the materials it needs, and we are .assured that it has been well insulated.

9.9Isolate the concrete bases.

When deciding to isolate concrete bases, we must ensure that the bases are completely dry from any water leakage, and are completely clean of any impurities or dust, and that we .completely level the surface and sand or remove any excess

After that, we paint the first layer of the used insulation, and leave it until it dries completely, then after that the second face is painted and we wait for it to dry as well, .then the backfill is done and the rest of the concrete is poured.

10.10Isolate the bases with bitumen

Bitumen is formed in solid and liquid form. Bases or floors are often insulated with liquid bitumen, .due to its flexibility and attachment to all parts

Bitumen works to isolate water leaks that infiltrate the bases from an explosion, breakage in connections, a blockage in the drainage or severe rain fall, so it isolates this water from infiltration of buildings and causing cracks and moisture in .them

These are all types of insulation that are used to isolate buildings, homes, floors, roofs and walls, with clarification of the advantages and some disadvantages to help in choosing the right type of insulation, which gives us the very quality result.


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